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“It is really amazing what people can do. Only they don't know what they can do.”
― Milton Erickson


CJ provides supervision for intern and pre-licensed MFTs as well as others seeking systemic supervision for their practice. A regular guest speaker at Edgewood College, he particularly enjoys helping supervisees develop their own approach informed by the approaches of previous therapeutic masters within a modern ethical framework. While CJ commonly utilizes a strategic and Ericksonian conceptualization he is know for his passion and utilization, as client circumstances warrant, of all the major systemic approaches.

CJ's supervision style is designed to encourage the development of the art, ethics, and science of an effective psychotherapy practice.

For more information please call us to plan a phone call or email conversation on the topic.


Application Procedure:

1. Contact CJ to schedule a phone discussion of rates, type of supervision required, your goals for supervision, etc.

2. Submit a CV and a cover letter for consideration.

3. Attend an in person interview if selected. (CJ limits the number of supervisees he accepts throughout the year).

4. Sign Supervision contract.

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