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Prepare/Enrich Inventory*

Over 3 million couples have taken a PREPARE/ENRICH inventory and worked through their results with a trained facilitators.

PREPARE/ENRICH is a customized couple assessment completed online that identifies a couple's strength and growth areas. It is one of the most widely used programs for premarital counseling and premarital education. It is also used for marriage counseling, marriage enrichment, and dating couples considering engagement.


Over the last 30 years, the PREPARE/ENRICH relationship assessment has empowered and energized more than 3 million couples.

Prepare/Enrich is the #1 relationship inventory and couples assessment tool.


What relationship areas are assessed by the Inventory?

  • 12 Relationship Scales -- communication, conflict resolution, roles, sexuality, finances, spiritual beliefs and more

  • 5 SCOPE Personality Scales

  • 4 Couple and Family Scales -- based on the Circumplex Model

  • 4 Relationship Dynamic Scales

  • 30 Customized Scales


Is the PREPARE/ENRICH Program valid and reliable?

An important strength of the PREPARE/ENRICH Inventory is their strong psychometric properties. High levels of reliability and validity have been found for each instrument, making them valuable tools for research as well as clinical use.

  • National Norms based on over 500,000 couples

  • High Levels of Validity and Reliability


PREPARE has validity in that it discriminates premarital couples that get divorced from those that are happily married with about 80-85% accuracy. Reliability is high (alpha reliability of .80 - .85)


*Adapted from Prepare/Enrich website resources

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